"This is no longer necessary, in the future we will definitely be return users." -Arjen A.
"You guys have been great. Will use again if the need arises." - Niel M.
" I used this service to study for my CompTIA A+ certification which I passed today. So no longer need access. Please cancel my account, and thanks!" - Anthony G.
"Many thanks for your help, and a reliable service!" -Yann E.
" Thank you for the service." - Arjan vdK.
"Due to a shift in priorities, I'm focusing on projects that do not require a remote Mac. I will be returning to said projects at a later date, at which point I will also sign up for the service again." -Brian Cr.
"Thanks again for all the great service! Thank You." -John M.
"I just needed the Mac for college and I have finished the activities. Great service." Moises S.
"No need anymore for a while. Thank you for the service! :) " - Jose D.
"I did all the things I needed to do. I will be back at a later date. Thanks for providing this service." - Don M.
"I love your service but I bought my own Mac. Thanks for all your help!" -Scott B.